The Fishing Shelter is located in Vlychada, Thira. Administratively, it belongs to the Municipal Unit of Thira, Municipality of Thira, Regional Unit of Thira, South Aegean Region. The fishing shelter of Vlychada is the only well-protected anchorage in Thira where one can anchor safely during storms or leave the boat unattended. The shelter provides services to sailing boats, offering safe mooring, cable ties, water, electricity, toilets and wireless internet, while there is also the possibility of lifting and launching boats, on a seven-day basis. Therefore and given its short distance from the airport (7km) and from Fira (8.9km) it is of particular importance for the local economy, as it is the only point on the island that can provide comprehensive quality boat servicing services. In addition, it is possible to serve local fishing boats in Limenas, increasing its importance for the local economy. The extension of the internal wharf considered by the present study will provide more berths, enabling the fishing shelter to better cope with the ever-increasing needs.
The fishing shelter includes:
-Basin A with a surface area of 2,253.95m2 where small fishing boats are docked
-Basin B with a surface area of 3,576.09m2 where small fishing boats are docked
- Central basin of surface area 21,272.06m2 for berthing of medium vessels
- Connecting section of surface area 18,878.62m2 with the possibility of docking only in the north.
-Two breakwaters length 380m and 130m each
-Two two-storey buildings (A, B) with a total area of 262.5m2 and 327.88m2 respectively.
-Two warehouses with a total area of 175m2.
-Fish market area and guardhouse with a total area of 135.97m2.
The total area of the Lime Basin is 45,980.72m2, and the total length of the piers and quays is 980m, of which the useful length is 700m.
In Basin A, where small fishing boats are docked, the northern part is about 1.00m deep, while the southern part is about 3.00m deep. In Basin B, where small fishing boats are also docked, the northern part is about 1.50 m deep, while the southern part is about 3.00 m deep. In the Central mooring basin for medium vessels the depth reaches about 4.00m. In the Connector section, the depth ranges from 0.80m in a 4,104m2 surface section and from 0.80m to 4.50m in the rest of the section.
The Fishing Shelter of Vlychada can accommodate boats up to 20m long. and up to 3m deep. Among other things there is the possibility of water and electricity supply as well as free wireless internet connection. The possibility of lifting and launching boats is also provided.
Building A consists of 2 floors with a surface area of 162.50 and 100m2 respectively, in which rooms have been constructed that serve the purposes of material storage, ice production, cold rooms, gatherings of the fishermen's association, sanitation, security, port authority service and canteen. Building B currently has no use and is empty.
The warehouses are two ground floor buildings of 75 and 100m2 respectively and are used for the storage of fishing gear and tools and the collection of ice.
Total useful pier length: 700.00 m.
Distance from the airport: 6 km.
Distance from Fira (capital): 10 km.
Hours of operation: 24 hours
Public transport
Catering infrastructure
Electricity infrastructure
Waste management
Water Infrastructures
Use the following form to book your fishing boat in the Vlychada reserve. The process is simple and quick: fill in the form and we will contact you once the placement process is complete to let you know the outcome of your application.

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