Thu, 12/22/2011 - 17:22
SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY TENDER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE JOB provision of Technical Consultant services for the management of the Sea Diamond shipwreck N.P. 11845.
The President of the Municipal Port Fund of Thira announces a preliminary tender with sealed bids for the work, with a budget of 50,000.00. euros (including VAT). The work concerns the provision of Technical Consultant services for the management of the wreck Sea Diamond N.P.11845.
The bid files together with all the necessary supporting documents will be deposited at the Administrative office, located in Fira Thira and before the tender committee on Tuesday 27/12/2011 from 10:00 to 10:30. Bids may be sent in any way, with the necessary condition that they reach the Municipal Port Fund of Thira by the day before the preliminary tender.
Recognized natural and legal persons with expertise/experience in the field of shipbuilding and shipbuilding technology, shipwreck management/dealing techniques, and shipping pollution issues can take part in the competition.
The participation guarantee is set at a rate of 5%, excluding VAT. on the total budgeted value of the work, i.e. 2,155.17. euro.
The work will be awarded to the participant, who offers the lowest price, as long as his offer meets the specifications of the study and the conditions of the draft tender.
Information about the competition is provided during working days and hours at tel.: 2286028362 Responsible employee Argiros Antonios.
The President